How Soon Should I Hire A Lawyer in Las Vegas
In Nevada there are varying statute of limitations for making liability claims. Personal injury, libel, and product liability victims have two years from the date of their incident to file a claim. Malpractice victims on the other hand have two to four years, depending on the circumstances of the case.
Regardless of the type of claim you’re looking to make, it’s always best to seek legal representation as soon as possible. Witnesses can begin to forget events or move out of town, evidence can and has disappeared in the past, and so forth.
When it comes to settlement claims, it’s important to find the right lawyer for your needs as soon as possible. And when it comes to criminal charges brought forward by the state, it’s equally as important to ensure that you are legally protected. The biggest mistake that victims of personal injury make is assuming that they were at fault for the harm that they suffered. In fact, this sort of sentiment is often shared by many other people who shy away from pursuing a matter legally.
At Muslusky Law we want to make sure that you are properly represented for any situation. That is why we would like to share with you a few scenarios that require immediate legal counsel.
Any Event that Results in Handcuffs
If you or someone else has been taken into custody for an alleged crime, it’s important to get a lawyer. In the event that charges are brought against you, a lawyer can fight the charges on your behalf to have them reduced or fully dropped.
Furthermore, if you were a victim of an event that resulted in someone being arrested, it’s important to figure out if the perpetrator is liable for injury or damages. Find a trustable lawyer and consult with them when there is any doubt in mind about the liability of injury or loss.
Anything That Involves Physical or Mental Harm
Let’s say you bought a house and are bitten by an animal that burrowed in the basement. It’s important to seek legal counsel and determine if the seller was aware of this animal before the sale and if they failed to mention it.
If your child is injured on a playground, or on a trampoline, it is also a good time to hire a lawyer and make matters right. Do not rely on an insurance company to get you a reasonable settlement unless if they hire a lawyer for your specific case and follow every possible end through.
Planning an Estate
If you need to draft papers for a will or trust, it’s important to hire someone that is skillful in writing effective documents. The benefit from writing contracts that are actually valid in a court of law, and writing them so that the terms are clear, absolutely outweigh the downsides of writing an ineffective contract yourself. Don’t risk losing some or all of the assets that you intend to leave to your family or friends by saving a few dollars in the process.
Someone Passes Away
If someone you were close to passes away you may have the responsibility of making sure that their estate is in order. Unless if the deceased person at hand arranged for their estate to be taken care of ahead of time, there will be various things that need to be taken care of. This includes state estate tax returns, trust returns, and filing a variety of papers.
Furthermore, spouses or family members that fail to take care of this paper work could become personally liable for it. If someone you know passes away, find a professional lawyer in Las Vegas that make sure all loose ends are tied.
You Need to Sign a Contract
If you’re buying or selling a home, a business, a patent, or need to sign a contract for any reason, you may need legal representation. Obviously signing for a phone or a car contract will not require a lawyer. But if the contract involves the trade of large sums of money, or responsibility, it’s important to make sure that your interests are being protected in the best way possible.
Hiring a Lawyer in Las Vegas
Finding the right lawyer is a matter of looking for a legal firm that has a reputation of being reliable and also looking for one that is experienced in the legal representation you need.
At Muslusky Law we offer free consultations and are looking forward to meeting with you. By offering free evaluations we can learn more about your case and you can learn more about our practice without any obligation to go forward. We are happy to setup an appointment and answer any questions that you may have.