Pedestrian Accidents Involving Vehicles in Las Vegas
If you are seeking compensation for an accident that you were a part of, give us a call as soon as possible. The sooner you hire a lawyer to legally represent you, the better your chances will be of earning the compensation that you are entitled to.
The compensation which a pedestrian receives for personal injury and property damage expenses will depend on many factors ranging from the defendant’s assets, insurance, consequences of the injuries sustained, and any fault which the pedestrian may be liable for.
At Muslusky Law we offer free consultations for victims of personal injury or property damage. We are ready to answer your call and any questions you may have. And we are ready to assist you in moving forward with your Las Vegas pedestrian accident claim. All of our free evaluation meetings are obligation free and provide you with a great chance to get to know our attorneys and the legal process of filing a settlement claim.
How Insurance Companies Cover a Victim of an Accident
Victims of accidents will likely turn to their medical insurance for covering their health expenses while in the process of seeking a claim.
Going forward, the victim’s insurance company will be interested in getting reimbursed for their coverage by the defendant’s auto insurance company. But insurance companies aren’t necessarily focused on getting you the best compensation possible for missed work, reduced quality of life, and time wasted on recovering.
Muslusky Law is a firm that is dedicated to getting the best possible compensation for its clients. This means that we will explore every avenue of settlements available. For example, did you know that if you are working at the time of an accident your employer may be required to compensate you for the time that you are out of work? A medical insurance policy is only responsible for getting your bills paid on time, but at Muslusky Law we’re responsible for making sure that you get compensated for all of your losses.
When you hire us you can rest assured that we will do everything right so that you can relax and recover after the trauma you may have experienced. There’s no need to stress out after an accident if we are legally representing your interests in court.
Furthermore, many auto insurance companies offer “no fault” coverage, which means that a pedestrian can collect compensation even though they were not driving when injured. This is extremely useful in cases where the defendant may not have any assets to compensate the victim that they injured.
What if the Victim Contributed to the Accident?
An insurance company of a victim may still cover a victim if they had some fault to the accident. Whether or not a victim can collect compensation from their insurance company will depend on the extent of their fault in the accident, as well as the no fault laws of their home state.
If a victim was partially responsible for an accident, but the defendant was drunk when the accident happened for example, the victim is more likely to be fully compensated regardless of minor blame on their part.
How Much Does Uninsured Motorist Insurance Cover?
In some states, uninsured motorist insurance covers only up to $10,000. In the event that the victim suffers broken bones or disfigurement, they will need to collect compensation for their injury by suing the defendant or their auto insurer.
Driving Errors That Lead to Pedestrian Accidents
Collisions between vehicles and cars often involve some sort of error on the driver’s part. This includes not seeing crosswalks, not following traffic signals, not yielding to pedestrians, drunk driving, distracted driving, passing a school bus, and reckless driving. Anytime that such a fault is proven against the driver, your settlement will likely increased.
Without knowing the extent of the damages that you have suffered, as well as the blame that rests on the defendant, we cannot accurately determine what a fair settlement claim would be. If you are a victim of injury brought on by a driver and want to figure out what you’re entitled to and how to proceed, we recommend getting in touch with us for a free consultation.
Our Process for Determining a Settlement
The amount that you are entitled to depends on the expenses you incurred from an accident but also on comprised future earnings, emotional damages, permanent disability or added medical requirements, and various other things.
Our professional lawyers will guide you to the process of determining a fair settlement, as well as fighting aggressively for your case. When you hire us you can relax during your recovery knowing that you are getting the best legal service in the nation.